
Default Shortcut: Ctrl + r
Reloads the last-saved version of your current view.

1 . Click the Revert icon, which is pictured above. The icon can be found on the Layout page > Navigate section.

Alternative: Invoke Revert using the Find Tool by searching the command name and clicking the icon, which is pictured above.

2 . Revert opens the saved version of your current view. This undoes all view location transformations made to that view since you first Opened it or last Saved it.

  • Each view that is created in Modeling is assigned a location and direction with respect to the 3D model . A change in this location is referred to as a view location transformation . Revert reopens the saved version of your current view and thus undoes all view location transformations that have been made to that view.
  • Location transformations that Revert undoes include Snap to Surface, changing a view's Relative Depth, changing a view's Reference Elevation, or changing a view's Depth Checking limits.
  • Operations that do not change a view's global coordinate location, but do change your perspective with respect to a view are operations such as Zoom In to Region and Pan . Revert undoes these operations as well.